Beefcake Male Model Photographer Q & A
We’ve seen you with a lot of Beefcake Models, and it never seems to get old for you. Is it acting or are you that insatiable?
Honestly, I think to be great at anything, you have to have an insatiable love for what you do. I love what I do.
You have quite a reputation at this point. Do you think
posing for your website has become the latest thing at campuses?
Well I don’t think Marines, Sailors or any military are running gangbusters to perform on my website. They are more prone to shy away from recognition. It’s extremely difficult to”sell” these straight military beefcakes on the idea so it takes a great deal of finesse.
Do you find that the guys, being in the military, take orders well?
Guys are from all walks of life and most have been dealt a shitty hand at life. I have a great deal of respect for that. I really think that this humbleness makes these guys respect authority and they in turn respect others. These guys have always respected orders or otherwise.
How much of the enjoyment comes from being the subject of the camera?
Very little as you can see by how little you see me. Not some hot shot producer that wants to ham it up for the camera. My one goal when I shoot is to make sure that the guy has the most real experience ever.
Have you ever made these soldiers consider a new career?
Not directly, Some of the models that I have actually discovered from just plain old seducement (is that a word?) I think we need a union for these beefcakes !
How do gay guys measure up to all these straight army studs?
Wow.. that’s a tough one. They are really such different experiences that its hard to compare. I feel that being with a gay guy is more along the lines of an even playing field. While with straight guys it takes on more of a dominant/submissive role (straight/gay). That’s where I derive the pleasure from. Frankly, I enjoy both but obviously prefer one to the other.
What was your most awkward photo shoot moment?
Recall a time that I shot this model back in my studios up in LA (Los Angeles). I think his name was “David”, a 21 year old Seabee.. I, of course, retracted immediately very apologetically in embarrassment.
Do the guys ever surprise you and want to take things further than you had planned?
YES! on a few occasions that has happened, i.e. “Michael-USMC”, wow was that a fantasy come true. I’ve never had a married and straight Marine ask me to kiss him in the middle of a shoot. I complied of course but man was I every floored and taken by surprise.. Damn it was HOT and it was all captured on tape.
8.5. Would you ever join the army?
Well, If I could get away with lining up platoon after platoon of recruits in a single file line. In their underwear. I think I’d join… unfortunately that will never happen.. so NO I suppose. I think I can forgo joining the military for now.