Queer Blue Jean Lover

Who doesn’t think a guy wearing blue jeans in sexy ? Pretty much the tighter the better. A conversation on Reddit was started after a straight guy thought that the skinny light blue jeans that he liked might make him look Queer. His girlfriend said ” ‘Oh hell no you can’t wear those they look gay’. The response was that he should wear what he felt comfortable in.

Angelo & Ricky One Night Lovers

Sleeping single in a double bed was a the title of a country song. For Angelo and Ricky – tonight they will be sleeping double in a single bed but I doubt that either of them will get much rest this evening.
Matt Straight Show Off

He might not identify as gay or queer or queer questioning.. but Matt loves to show off his body for anyone who wants to look. Gay men of course love to watch ! While at a photo shoot Matt tells the camera man that his girlfriend thinks that he is out with friends watching a game of football. What she doesn’t realize is that he is actually out for a photo shoot !
Gay Beefcakes Cash & Brian

First lovers are the ones that we remember forever. Who can forget the first time you kissed another guy. The first time you held hands with another guy out in public ? And of course the first time you had sex with a guy that you were in love with. Decades later those memories will always linger.
Boxers Lover Ryan

The debate over boxers or briefs never ends. Ryan decided long ago that boxers were his choice of underwear. Many will argue that boxers aren’t revealing enough but for Ryan comfort is the most important feature he looks for in underwear.
Ace & Seth Real Life Lovers

Celebrating over a year and a half together – real life couple Ace and Seth share for the camera. They met at a mutual friends party and sparks kinda flew from there. 1 and 1/2 years is like 10 straight years .. so congrats to them. Hopefully their love will stand the test of time.. i.e. Pride Season !