Shawn & Tanner Gay Couple

Wow.. are these guys ever well matched. You can almost visualize Shawn and Tanner going to IKEA together.
Lukas Cute Beefcake

Looking straight at the camera Lukas seems like he wants to tell you his secrets.
Fabio Muscle Beefcake

This is the description of Fabio from a stats point of view:
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Penis Size: Big
Height: 175 cm (5’9″)
Body Type: Athlete
Wearing only his white jock strap Fabio dazzles in front of the camera with his dark complexion. He has a great body that must come from working out a lot. His hair is styled nicely and it compliments his facial hair.
Arad Persian Beefcake

Scene where Arad comes home and he finds that his partner has been cheating on him ! Is he ever glad that he decided to come home early that day.
One of the earlier scenes for Arad who has become a legend ever since.
Spencer & Wesley Construction Beefcake

Portraying construction workers who happen to look like models. Sadly Wesley is no longer modelling – having chosen to retire a few years back.
Kody & Topher Beefcakes
Nice picture of queer couple hanging out on the beach. Taken soon before news of the scandal broke two years after.
Xavi & Casio Queer Beefcakes
Beefy couple Xavi and Casio appear as muscled bearded lovers.

Stas Muscle Beefcake

Looking perfect as he strikes a pose against the wall. Stas delights his many fans.
Roco & Petr Beefcake Couple

First time kissing another guy for Petr as he embraces Roco in this beautiful scene.
Christian & Rocco Beefcake Kiss

Another Rocco but this time – one with two c’s in his name. He embraces Christian in this photo that captures the couples passion.
Joey & Genesis Flashback Couple

Bookending this post with another flashback gay couple – Joey and Genesis.