Jim Amateur Gay Model

Finding an advertisement online looking for models Jim replied to the email address that was listed.
He had been looking for a part time job that would help pay the bills. Unfortunately part time never turned out to be part time and more like 30 hours instead of 40. Going to college classes and working that many hours was impossible.

Anyway – Jim showed up at the photographers home as instructed. He imagined the photographer would have been much older but he turned out to be just a bit older than Jim .
The home/studio was a pretty nice looking place – tidy and bright. There was only one other person that which made Jim a bit nervous but he didn’t feel creeped out. He had heard some bad stories about answering modelling ads.
Queer Photography
When Jim got there he was asked for his ID to prove that he was older than 18. So he presented them his drivers license that proved that he was 23 and birthday coming up next month.
Then he was asked to sign a contract that about 5 pages long. He didn’t really read the entire thing and honestly forgot to even get a copy of it.
Shirtless Modelling

After all that was done Jim was brought to the bathroom. The photographer explained that the scene that he was appearing in would be of him taking a bath.
Not sure what to make of that he simply followed directions.

There was some music playing in the background to make Jim feel more comfortable but it had the opposite effect and he just felt more nervous.
Jim was asked to draw a bath and prepare it like he would at home. So he did.
They asked him to pull up his shirt a bit to show off his smooth body and again he did as instructed.

Once Jim’s shirt came off so did his nervousness. He felt freer and a lot more comfortable.

He was really happy with the way the photos turned out .. and the photographer was even happier.