Queer Illustration Stories

Skateboarding Beefcake Photo Shoots

by Gay Man

Skateboarder Beefcake Models

All of the guys in this set are skateboarders of one kind or another. They were featured in a site that was dedicated to beefcake models.

Aaron Bi-Racial Beefcake

Wearing a vintage Abercrombie shirt that he got a thrift store Aaron is super cute. More of a boxer than a skateboarder Aaron is starting to learn the tricks. But for this set of photos he decided to show off with his boxing gloves.

Brett Underwear Model Beefcake

Having done his first gig with an up and coming underwear line Brett is strutting his stuff. He got a bunch of free pairs of underwear after the shoot. He didn’t get paid very much money but he was really happy with the way that the photos turned out.

Devon Beefcake

Looking a bit like he’s testing out a few new looks Devon decided that the baseball cap worked the best with his vibes. Skin tight tank tops seem to be a staple in his wardrobe. The photographer decided to use his studio which used to be warehouse for this shoot.

Juan Carlos Skateboarding Beefcake

Real life skateboarder Juan just finished watching the show Betty. It a show about female skateboarders. His girlfriend is also a skateboarder so they watched the show together. They were so focused on getting Juan’s moves captured on camera that they forgot to get some shirtless photos. Oh well – next time.

Cohen Frat Beefcake

Cohen Frat Beefcake

Looking a bit more like a runway model than a beefcake model Cohen brought a whole bunch of different outfits for the photoshoot. This was also another photo shoot in the warehouse slash studio. Even though he brought all those outfits Cohen looks the best without a shirt. He was a bit shy at first.. but look at that washboard stomach.. and the tattoo.. very nice !

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