Queer Illustration Stories

Random Beefcake Collection

by Gay Man

Random Beefcake Collection

7 good looking models with very different looks & personalities. Enjoy them as they pose shirtless in photos. Check out Bra, Devon, Tad, Safet, Abraham and Kody.

Queer Illustration Stories

Brad Spiky Hair Beefcake

He loves the looks that he gets when people see his hair. When he first started spiky it – it would take him hours to get the right look. Now he just fixes it up a bit with some water and he is good to go.

Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories




Devon Self Improvement Beefcake

After being a bit on the ‘heavier’ side of life Devon decided to hit the gym. He notices all of his friends were talking about carbs and made him think about his own body. He was comfortable with the way he looked. But he really felt out of place sometimes in the Queer Male Scene.

Queer Illustration Stories

Tad Dark Delicious Beefcake

Tad’s a very fortunate beefcake model as he’s got this absolutely dreamy look! A look that would make even a mother proud. Besides all that, he’s very sexy and passionate.

Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories




Safet Turkish Beefcake

You’ve dreamed about these hot – bronze-skinned Turkish beefcake models, Well Safet is part Turkish and just moved from Istabul to Chicago. He likes the Chicago vibes. Its taken him a bit longer to get used to the culture.

Queer Illustration Stories

Abraham Muscle Beefcake

The photographer’s friend Abraham stopped by this morning to show his hot body. His muscular body is just amazing, and his abs, his ass and his chest is just worth the time just to sit and admire him. And he likes to be admired.

Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories




Kody Boyfriend Beefcake

The kinda guy you would love to date. Unfortunately he has a huge waiting list of guys that want to date him. Kody isn’t arrogant .. he’s just easy going and definitely someone that would be considered a ‘good catch’.

Queer Illustration Stories

Scott Sexy Beefcake

Another beefcake that everyone wants for a boyfriend. Except in this case Scott has bee almost everyone’s boyfriend.. and he isn’t ashamed to admit it. He just hasn’t found the right guy.

Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories
Queer Illustration Stories

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