Home Amateur beefcake Beefcake Models Diverse Backgrounds

Beefcake Models Diverse Backgrounds

by Gay Man
Queer Illustration Stories

Beefcake Models Diverse Backgrounds featured in Photographs . Check out Brazil Bryan .. Parisian male Michel showing off his lean smooth build. More latino models including Lucas from San Paolo and Rico Suarez both appearing shirtless.

Beefcake Model Bryan

Bryan is a bad boy from Sao Paulo, Brazil. A 28 year old party goer that can smell a party from miles away. He is known for being a party’s beast and he is proud of it. Here we see him take off his shirt while music plays in the background. He has a smooth chest and we see a hint of his Calvin Klein underwear in this animated gif.

Beefcake Model Michel

Latino male model Michel, is a 24 year old from Paris. Not much information was sent in about this model. From the pictures you can tell that he is very attractive. Dark black hair and dark eyes match his black tank top. He takes off his shirt in the collage to reveal a smooth chest. He shows off a bit of his speedos that he is wearing for this photoshoot.

Beefcake Model Lucas

Lucas is a 25 year old from Sao Paolo. That is all the information that was submitted about this model. This looks like it was photographed in a hotel room. Lucas takes off his tank top that says “Lazy Riders” on the front. He has a lean build with a smooth chest.

Beefcake Model Jade

No information was sent in about this model other than his name. Jade appears on a site that featured latino men so, he might be of Brazilian background. He has an amazing smile with white teeth that could probably be seen a mile away.

Beefcake Model Rico

Again, no information was submitted about this model other than his name. He takes off his white tank top that says “Apache” on the front. After he removes his shirt we see his muscular frame. He also sports a tribal tattoo on his stomach.

Beefcake Model Dalton

Dalton shows off in this set of images shirtless. He turns around so that the photographer is able to capture his back which has an elaborate tattoo

Beefcake Model Tobi

Tobi is all that was submitted as far as information about this model. He has a beautiful face with amazing eyes. He — like many of the models in this post is wearing a white tank top. He also wears a leather band on his right arm that matches his white necklace. He might be ready to go to a gay bar was my take on his outfit.

Beefcake Model Hollywood

Another model with no information. Hollywood appears wearing a tuxedo in this photoset – perhaps he is ready to go to a Hollywood premier film ?

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