Home Gay Love Webmaster Interviewed

Webmaster Interviewed

by Gay Man
Queer Illustration Stories

8 Questions for Beefcake Site Webmaster

Do you consider yourself a Dirty Guy?

No, but I do hang around with drag queens and deviants. Does that make me dirty?

There are quite a lot of hot guys in your “auditions” section. Do you think you have discovered the next “it” boy ?

We have an amateur, “guy next door” focus, and aren’t looking to create stars. The guys we shoot are having fun, that’s why they’re doing it, and it shows in the video. It’s a homemade version of those reality shows daring people to do crazy things.

You’ve gotten videos of guys in some crazy places: the bathroom of a bar, a shop, a freight elevator, even an airplane bathroom. Is there anywhere left to film?

There’s always places to film! We would love to shoot a scene on the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Unfortunately security is a bit too tight even for us to pull that off (or out as the case may be!). And there’s also the Space Station. How cool would that be in zero gravity!

It doesn’t seem to follow the formula of finding a straight guy. The guys featured seem to be portrayed for what they are: guys getting off the best way they know how. Aren’t you ever tempted to push them a little further?

That’s not really the spirit of our site. From the beginning we realized that NYC is full of guys looking to show off, it just made sense to start shooting models ourselves, and working with what they were interested in doing. They have fun and don’t regret the shoot, in fact most come back to do more!

Your first full-length movie is available for free to subscribers. Were there new challenges in shooting a movie that you don’t encounter doing regular amateur videos?

We rotate which title we offer with monthly memberships. Right now is the title, “Dared” a collection from the site focusing on stunts for cash, initiations, stuff caught on surveillance cams and even includes a blow up sheep!

Some of your videos are filmed with nightvision. Was that a conscious decision to arouse “Survivor” fans?

I’ve never seen Survivor, but we’ve utilized night vision in our videos since 1999, so I’d like to think the producers of Survivor got the idea from us!

Will we ever see more of Subway Boy ?

Todd is his name and he’s a great guy. He’s currently sworn off exhibitionism, but who knows, he may come around again and when he does, we’ll be there!

What, in your opinion, is the most risky video ?

Definitely the Subway Boy shoots! Todd is standing on the platform and you can hear the train approaching. The camera rolls as Todd scrambles and you can hear the cameraman nervously saying, “Hurry up! Hurry Up!” Todd gets dressed just in time as the crowded train pulls in to the station. We couldn’t have planned it that way if we wanted to!

Update: The site is still active.. but it no longer updates..

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