Handsome Beefcake Oleg Oleg could be better than watching good looking men. Chemistry was there from the beginning as you …
Amateur LGBTQ Blog
Beefcake Model Ben These are from a photo shoot that I did in Los Angeles.. well that I organized. I …
Mathew & Thomas Gay Beefcake Hunks Shirtless For this inning, Mathew will be pitching while Thomas takes the catcher’s position. …
Beefcake Model Jack Biography Big muscles, light blue eyes, the tan skin, and scruff. Josh is from Britain — a …
All American Beefcake Collage Collage of all American type beefcakes with winning smiles, captivating baby-blue eyes, tight defined bodies. All …
Gay Beefcake Ebony Model Chris Chris was a friend of a friend who did drag at local bars. She was …
Muscular Male Beefcake Showcased Bodies Muscular Male Model Showcased With sculptured Bodies in exclusive photoshop edits featuring beautiful guys who …
Canadian LGBT Model Jeff Another set of images that I almost forgot about. These would be the first set I …
Hugo LatinX Beefcake Hugo hails from Madrid. He’s been working out for 2 years –1 hour, every day– and the …
Surfer Dude Beefcakes Modelling Part Two of Two 5. The tagline for “Skaters, Surfers, Models.” From your experience, do skaters …
Surfer Dude Beefcake Interviewed – Part 1 of 2 It was so good we split it into two parts ! …
Beefcake Model Kris Despite having grown up in a very small town in Europe, Kris is well aware of himself. …
Gay amateur male blog featuring the best content (photos and video) of mostly men having experiences on camera showcasing queer pics movies
Happy 20th Anniversary 🎉 to Gaydar.com ! Today is the day that started it all. It was way back on May3rd 1998 believe it or not !! A lot has changed since then. Back then —- no one would have even thought that gay marriage was possible.. now, it’s legal in most Westernized countries.
Back then in the late 90’s the term Gaydar was used if you suspected that someone was gay. When someone passed you by and were with a friend.. you might say to your friend.. “My Gaydar Just Went Off”. Some might say now that the term “Gaydar” is stereotyping… I don’t believe that.. It’s really just intended to be fun… Much like the scene from Futurama.
Amateur Gay Male Blog
This is the model that I used to feature on the site way back then as well.. you might remember him as being the semi-mascot for Gaydar.com. I called him Pavel but that wasn’t really his name.. He answered an advertisement that I had in an Alt-Weekly back in late 1997. I did a few model sessions with him. I became friends with him later but I have lost touch with him since. Last I heard he was married to a woman. I think I saw them on Facebook.
A lot of the guys featured on this site were very similar to “Pavel”. Many guys answer advertisements like the one I had placed hoping to find themselves. I think posing for other men is their way of experimenting with their sexuality. Its very interesting.
Thanks to everyone that keeps coming back to the site. I know its been a little confusing lately.. I’m figuring out what direction to take, as everything has changed so much. I’m going to be posting mostly the non-explicit pictures from here on.. Some nudes for sure.. but as you get a little older.. you realize that everything isn’t about how big a guys dick is.
I’m hoping to get some more features going soon.. if you are interested in helping me take Gaydar to another level.. I opened up a Patreon Account… anything you can contribute and your input about where you see Gaydar going would be greatly appreciated.
Happy Anniversary and Hopefully Many More To Come !
Thanks for your continued support !