Gay Beefcake Dates

From the site that arranged gay blind dates. They set up them and watched the result.
The guy on the left looks very suspicious ! Looks like they having a date at a Starbucks that over looks a parking lot.
Samuel Gay Beefcake

They claim that they found Samuel at one of the clubs. They must have given him their card because here he is. He showed up to do these photos with lots of enthusiasm.
Matt QQ Beefcake

They don’t identify Matt as being Gay or Straight or Bisexual. Can we assume that he is questioning his own sexuality ? The only information they know about Matt is that he is from Utah. He does have a college frat look and that is because he is in college. Matt hangs out with his friends when he is not in class.
Sebastian Muscle Beefcake

It’s Sebastian and he’s an easy going guy with lots of muscles. He enjoys working out but he’s also really smart. Is he gay or straight ? We dunno.
Travis College Beefcake

From college graduation to modelling part time Travis enjoys the attention. He teases by showing off his treasure trail.
James Straight Beefcake
Early photos of James who is straight. He was on a site that featured older women before he worked on other sites. After many allegations he is longer a working model. He still has his own personal website online.
Kevin & Sky Gay Love Beefcake

Ah to be in love and to be Kevin or Sky ! They define passion ! Hard to tell from these screen captures. Kinda blurry and not that exciting.
Caleb & Angel Gay Love Beefcake

Not much was said about this couple other than Caleb and Angel are really into each other. They look into each others eyes and before you know it.. they are kissing !