Joel Shirtless Beefcake

The hair that hair – all about the hair ! He gets teased when he wears that hair. Some of his friends make bad jokes about him going on the runway. But he likes the hair and it reminds him of when he was in a play performing as Romeo. Anyway – who is looking at that hair when Joel takes off his shirt ?
Danny Gay Beefcake

Danny appears on to be reliving his younger days by wearing these fun cartoon briefs. He does have boyish features so he can definitely pull this look off.
Nash Straight Beefcake

He identifies as straight but he enjoy the attention that gay men shower him with. His ‘fruit of the loom’ underwear is definitely a total tease. Nash even goes to the tanning salon because he is a dancer from time to time.
Andre Shirtless Beefcake

Powerfully built model with a sweet tatt on his shoulder. He looks straight at the camera because he knows that you wanna see those blue eyes that go with his dark blonde hair.
Zaid Shirtless Beefcake

Captured at the same time as Andre – Zaid is a good looking model who sports a bit of chest hair. He has dark hair and eyes that give him that – tall, dark & handsome moniker.
Richey Shirtless Beefcake

Not sure why Richey has stripped off his shirt for this photo but he did. The office setting makes us think that maybe there is something more happening.
Antonio Gay Shirtless Beefcake

His fave things to do are going to the gym, running, tanning on the Beach. His look and chest hair suggest that he is involved in the bear community.
James Straight Beefcake

Cute James is beaming from ear to ear – his smile is infectious.
Nathan & Tommy Queer Beefcakes
They met a year ago and the chemistry between them was immediate. Nathan and Tommy were made for each other !
Jed & Toby Gay Beefcakes

This is what happens when the boss has a thing for the stock room manager.